Wear it Purple Day
We celebrated Wear it Purple day on Monday – Wear it Purple Day an annual LGBTIQA+ awareness day especially for young people, based in Australia. Supporters wear purple to celebrate diversity and young people from the LGBTIQA+ community. The 4 main focus areas of Wear it Purple Day are awareness, opportunity, environment and collaboration.
We celebrated this day with Cardinia Shire Council Youth Services and Officers from the local police station. We painted nails, painted faces, coloured our hair and made a beautiful fingerprint tree. The day was organised by a very dedicated group of young people with the support of Cardinia Shire youth workers. Every Monday at lunch time, we open up Wellbeing for the Gay Straight Alliance, a place our students can get together, support each other, learn and organise fun days like Wear it Purple Day – It was a wonderful day
Felicity Wooden – Wellbeing Co-ordinator