Year 7 Transition

Red and Blue Simple Parent Night Event Announcement (1)


2025 Year 7 Enrolment enquiries – Melissa Findlay, Transition Co-ordinator

2025 Year 7 SEAL Enrolment enquiries – Sam Mclean, SEAL Co-ordinator

All other Year level enrolment enquiries – Melissa Findlay, Acting Assistant Principal, Director of Students


The College runs a comprehensive transition program to assist all students’ transition not only into a Secondary setting but also within the College via the different Year levels.

Our transition program at Year 7 involves:

  • Pre-Year 7 visits (Grade 6 Day)
  • Information Night
  • Year 7 Camp
  • Wellbeing Day
  • Guest Speakers

If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of the transition process please contact Melissa Findlay, Transition coordinator.

Transition Programs

Moving from Primary to Secondary school can be an exciting and challenging time for young people and their parents. Emerald Secondary College aims to ensure a smooth transition from Primary to Secondary school. An extensive transition program ensures students are given many opportunities to visit the College and participate in a range of activities prior to commencing Year 7.

Settling into the College as a Year 7 student

There are many differences between Primary Schools and Secondary Colleges including the number of different subjects, rooms and teachers, the responsibility of taking different books and equipment to specialist classes and integrating with students from other schools. At Emerald Secondary College we are aware of these new challenges and are organised to make the transition as pleasant as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of the transition process please contact Melissa Findlay, Transition Coordinator.

The Orientation Day in December enables Grade 6 students to experience a typical school day, following a Year 7 timetable. Where possible, students will meet their prospective classroom teachers for the following year. There will be an Information Evening is for parents and students prior to Orientation Day.

The Junior School Team works to ensure all new students settle in happily. This team includes the Junior Sub-School Leader and two Year Level Engagement Leaders for years 7, 8 and 9. One of the challenges at Secondary College is getting used to having a greater number of subjects and teachers and our staff work hard to ensure students understand their timetable and how to move around the college. Some students may have the same teacher in multiple subjects e.g. English and Humanities or Maths and Science.

Students participate in an alerted Transition timetable for the first few days at Emerald Secondary College. The timetable includes Compass navigation classes, ‘get to know you’ and scavenger hunt activities. This program is designed to assist students in settling into college life and connecting with their peers to encourage a positive start to the year.

The Year 7 Camp gives all Year 7 students, their teachers, and the Junior School team, the opportunity to get to know each other by enjoying fun activities aimed at cooperative learning and team building in a relaxed, informal atmosphere.

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