Term 2 Progress Reports
We have recently completed our Term 2 progress reports, which are a measure of the Emerald Secondary College positive learning behaviours. Year level averages have been calculated and can be viewed below. As a college we will be looking at this data to see if there are any areas of the teaching and learning program that could be bolstered to improve the learning experience and outcomes for our students.
For example, you may notice in the graph below that ‘uses tech to deepen knowledge and understanding in Term 2 is lower for our Year 8 and 9 students, than other year levels. Additionally, ‘uses feedback effectively’ and ‘asks questions for clarity’ are lower in our Year 9 students than other cohorts of students. As a college we will continue to unpack this data and provide opportunities in the teaching and learning program for our students to demonstrate positive learning behaviours in their lessons.
Introducing Axel – our Wellbeing Dog
We are excited to announce that we are about to launch the Dogs Connect program in our school. This is a whole school wellbeing program which will see the introduction of a wellbeing dog in our community. Our school wellbeing dog will become a much loved and important member of our community. The Dogs Connect program will support us in implementing this very gradually, thoroughly, and considerately. At this stage we encourage anyone who would like to know more about this program to look through the website link below:
We know that this work will have a really positive impact on many people in our community, and we acknowledge and respect that connection with our wellbeing dog will be offered on a great variety of levels.
Student Leadership, Voice & Agency
Student Parliament Progress Report
Quite a number of issues have been brought up in the two meetings we have had in student parliament, leading to interesting discussions between all of the representatives, both junior and senior. Some of the topics we have covered so far includes the 695 bus – where there were concerns regarding how people were getting on the bus and the sheer amount of people on the bus itself from school, therefore resulting in people missing the bus. General school improvements that kids would like to see, ways to get people involved in events etc. We are hoping to further progress some of these ideas and contributions in the coming weeks. Although, it’s been difficult to get everyone together due to there being events on when the meeting is to be held. Overall the Student Parliament has been off to a fabulous start and it’s great to see everyone contributing to better Emerald Secondary College.
-Caiti, Ethan, Hayley & Jackson – College Captains
Student Representative Council (SRC) Report
Student Representative Council has been off to a running start! With two well attended meetings held fortnightly on Fridays in A1. Students have been enthusiastically leading discussion and sharing their ideas for school improvement and events. Among other things, students have suggested fundraisers for charity, improvements for BEST, clubs and sporting events. Hopefully if all goes well we can see a brand new chess club for students to test their wit against each other. General school improvements have been mentioned like shelves for the students with plastic lockers, and consistency across the school for the volume of the PA speakers. Thanks to those who’ve participated in SRC, student’s voice can be heard and represented, helping to contribute to fun opportunities for students, and improvements around our school.
- Daniel McAllister (Communications Leader) on behalf of SRC Leaders Keilah Dewar & Jayden Regan
Student Portfolio Representatives
Following our Investiture last term, staff have been meeting with their teams and discussing authentic ways for them to exercise student voice and agency and contribute to decision making for the improvement of ESC. Some of the things happening include:
- Radio Club have been working with staff leadership and we now have music replacing bells. The students have learned how to operate the system and have created their own playlists. Students are looking to expanding their current role and exploring other ESC radio options
- Community Leaders will be working on commencing partnerships with some of our local primary schools, Emerald Glades, Emerald Public Library, Puffing Billy Railway and the Emerald Village Association and other community groups. They are opening up communications and we are excited to see what’s to come!
- Student Parliament and Student Representative Council meet fortnightly on alternate weeks. Both groups are entirely student led and students take the initiative when scheduling and promoting meetings, creating an agenda and distributing meeting minutes and actioning ideas and steps forward.
- Ambassadors continue to very proudly and ably represent the College at public events such as Reconciliation Week Events coming up at the Emerald Hub
- Book Club and Literacy Leaders are working toward meeting with representative from the Emerald Public Library also and are working with our library staff on book club and related events
Positive Education
Our students across all year levels recently participated in education around Upstander and Bystander behaviours and actions in BEST lessons (Build, Engage, Succeed, Thrive).
We describe a bystander as a person who is present at an event or incident but they do not take part. They stay silent and watch. They might walk off. Crucial to understanding the impact of bystander behaviours is that consideration that this inaction has an enormous effect on those at the centre of an incident.
Classes discussed situations where they could feasibly help without putting themselves at risk and how this might occur safely. Being an upstander involves developing the awareness, skills and courage needed to intervene in a situation when another individual needs help – we can act , we can change the outcome of an event, or prevent it from escalating.
Support was also offered to students as always.
Daily attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind socially or developmentally. School participation maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community.
Both schools and parents have an important role to play in supporting students to attend school every day.
Emerald Secondary College believes all students should attend school all day, every day when the College is open for instruction and is committed to working with its school community to encourage and support full school attendance.
Our school also promotes student attendance by:
- Articulating high expectations of attendance to all members of the College community
- Creating safe, supportive learning environments which promote success through active participation and engagement in purposeful learning
- Adopting consistent, rigorous procedures to monitor and record student absence
- Implementing data-driven attendance improvement strategies
- Providing early identification and supportive intervention for students at risk of poor attendance
- Linking with local community groups and agencies to maximise program and individual support
- Accessing specialist support for individual students with identified behavioural, health or social issues
- Providing a staged response to non-attendance
- Supporting students to return to school after absences
Student responsibilities
- Attend school every school day
- Arrive at school and classes on time and be prepared
- Talk to a teacher if there are issues that might impact on their ability to attend school/class
Parent responsibilities
- Ensure student attends school every day when instruction is offered
- Ensure student arrives at school by 8.50am
SEAL Primary School Visits
Selected SEAL students are visiting our local Primary Schools to promote the Emerald Secondary College SEAL program. Visits so far have included Macclesfield PS, Emerald Primary School with visits scheduled to Selby, Cockatoo, Gembrook and Menzies Creek Primary Schools coming up soon. Our students have set a fine example encouraging our future students to pursue their passions to accelerate, enrich and extend their interests in reading comprehension, abstract reasoning, mathematical reasoning, and written expression. We look forward to meeting our next cohort of SEAL students at Emerald Secondary College.
Uniform & Appearance
Emerald Secondary College is a uniform school.
The full list of Emerald Secondary College’s compulsory school uniform items are available at Appendix A to this policy.
General appearance
While at school, travelling to or from school or participating in school activities, Emerald Secondary College students must comply with the following:
- Uniforms must be clean and in good repair
- Additional layers of clothing may be worn underneath the uniform for added warmth, provided these undergarments are completely hidden.
Where a staff member has been made aware of a welfare issue in relation to uniform the student will be given borrowed items if available, and there will be support through State-School Relief. The student may be issued with a pass by the Learning engagement Leader for a set period of time.
Uniform – New Puffa Jacket
ESC’s new Puffer jacket is now ready for purchase at PSW. All sizes are available in store and online.
A new style uniform pant is also coming soon so keep your eyes peeled.
Emerald Secondary College School Tours – Term 2
School tours run every Wednesday morning at 10.15am.
To book please click the link below.
Alternatively, please scan the QR code below:
We also offer School Tours for prospective Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) parents/students Wednesday at 11.30am. The tours are run by our SEAL Co-Ordinator, Tiana Clayworth.
To book please click the link below.
If you would like to request an alternate tour date, please contact reception on 5968 5388.
Janine McMahon, Tanja Korsten and Jarrad Donders – Assistant Principals