
Science Week

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Running each year in August, it features more than 1000 events around Australia, including those delivered by universities, schools, research institutions, libraries, museums and science centres. These events attract a wide audience from children to adults, and science amateurs to professionals. Over one million people participate in science events across the nation.

This year’s theme was “innovation” so at ESC students in science classes, on excursions, and at special lunchtime events explored how innovation has changed our lives in the 21’s century – from chemistry experiments, to building things, cooking with new ingredients, and of course sampling some snacks made with insect protein – the protein of the future!  

Middle Years environmental science students braved the bad weather to participate in the Ecosystems and Sustainability program at Healesville Sanctuary on Friday.  We observed animals from lyrebirds to Tassie Devils actually enjoying the cold wet weather, did some water testing, and learned about how wetlands are so important to saving our woodland ecosystems. 

Ashley Forster – Science Domain Leader

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