Year 12 Valedictory

Valedictory Celebration   

On Thursday 16th November we gathered to celebrate the ‘Class of 2023’. The evening was a celebration with our students, staff families and friends.

With over 300 people present each of the students were presented with certificates of Year 12 completion, produced by Emerald Secondary College, Subject Dux Awards, Excellence & Endeavour awards, the prestigious college awards and of course naming our 2023 Valedictorian.

The official certificates from the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority will be available at school during the week of Monday 11th December or at the beginning of 2024.  These certificates will need to be collected from the Senior School Office as we cannot post them home. In December students will also receive a statement of results via SMS or online from Monday 11th December.

The Valedictory is not just a graduation, it’s a milestone, a testament to hard work, resilience, and countless hours of dedication to one’s education over many years. It was an evening in which we reflected on the late nights of studying, the camaraderie formed, the growth that each student experienced both academically and personally, the challenges they all faced head on and the valuable lessons along the way. All in which we know that the class of 2023 have all emerged stronger, more capable, and ready to embark on the journey that lies ahead.

We are all very proud of the fantastic young adults that are now embarking on their next journey. You will find below the award winners and some photos from the night.

A message from Learning and Engagement Leader, Mrs Emily Hay:

To the class of 2023.

On Monday the 30th of January you all stood in one big circle at the REACH foundation side by side shoulder to shoulder in one room, where you broke down your walls and let each other in, where, you all agreed that in 2023 “we are in this together” this was a moment for me, and the staff members present where we witnessed a formation of a cohort that has simply been special.

The camp was a steppingstone into the year, where, as a cohort you discovered that success is not solely measured on grades or accolades but by the positive impact you have on the lives of others. It is the relationships that are formed, the kindness that you show and the empathy you extend that truly define your achievements.

The look on your faces when you walked in with your own set of keys as you celebrated milestone birthdays, the delight from ticking each SAC paper off, the relief in your eyes when you had actually finished your last day of school and/or your exams, the athletics and swimming carnivals and of course the staff vs students matches, where can I remind you all, the staff are the mighty victors of 2023. The best part of all was that I got to do all of this as your Learning and Engagement Leader, I couldn’t be prouder.

Let’s not forget the people who stood by you all, the teachers who inspired you, the friends who laughed and cried with you and your families for their unwavering support. Graduating is not just an individual achievement, it’s a collective success, a result of the collaboration and encouragement that define your shared journey.

As you stand at the beginning of your future, embrace the unknown with open hearts and curious minds. The world is vast, and your potential is limitless. You EACH possess a unique set of skills, passions and dreams that will shape your own pathways.

It’s farewell for now, not goodbye. Thank you and good luck.

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