Principal’s Comments
As you can see by the photos that adorn this report, the valedictory evening that was held at Bunjil Place was a huge success with over 300 members of the college community gathering as one to farewell the class of 2023.
The night was filled with warmth, affirmation, friendship and reflection. The College is so proud of the class of 2023 and they are to be wished all the best in the next phase of their life, whether that includes further study, employment, travel or a gap year.
Our staff are to be congratulated for their input into our students, thus preparing them to take their place in the world as global citizens.
Thanks, must also go to the Senior School team for all the meticulous planning and organisation of the night. Thank you to the office staff who prepared all the awards and thank you to all the staff who attended and supported the evening.
Massive thanks to Meg Gogerly (The Boss of the Senior School) as she helped the team bring this wonderful night together. This was Meg’s last valedictory at the College and she is looking forward to some well-deserved R and R in 2024. We will have an opportunity to formally farewell Meg next year.
On another note, transition classes for Year 11 students going into Year 12 are happening in the ensuing weeks, as exams conclude for these year levels, that includes Year 10 moving into Year 11.
Every student, in every subject will have a task that will need to be completed over the summer holidays. The transition program establishes preparedness for the upcoming school year and allows all our students to start the year in a positive manner, willing and ready to take on the challenges that they will face.
The College program continues with all our students in Years 7-9 and they, too, have tasks to complete as teachers get ready to produce all the end of year reports.
James – College Principal