Principal’s Report

Year 12 VCE students are feeling a little anxious and excited at the prospect of ending the year well, preparing for their examinations and looking forward to the celebrations that will ensue.
It is tough to say goodbye to primary and secondary education that has spanned over 13 years, and these times will always have fond memories and some not so fond memories – that’s life. The rich tapestry and community that binds all our students at Emerald Secondary College will always prevail as one of endearing memories and great times.
So, what does this ‘finishing line’ look like?
- Revision! Revision! Revision! Practice exams, practice questions, attention to detail, answering the question/s….what is the question asking of me? Key words, key phrases
- Look at nailing ‘big mark’ question – often an investigation of sorts, or an essay, or an extended response
- Use your teacher! They are YODA and know how things are about to eventuate. It’s surprising how often some final internal SACs have popped up in the final year exam!
- Make yourself ‘bulletproof’ – not only with revision, but managing stress levels, health, and wellbeing in the final days of school. It’s okay to go out, shop, coffee, work and/or sport – but! there needs to mindfulness and acknowledgement that the time for study is the priority
Families, too, have a role to play as they tip toe around these levels of heightened energy and excitement.
The College will be running a VCE exam practice timetable over the holiday break, and all students are expected to attend.
VMVCE students also have their work cut out for them as they finalise projects, assessment tasks and complete mock interviews.
The College continues to work towards its 2024 planning, looking at gaps and finalising classes. Thanks to the amazing work of Ms Janine McMahon (AP) and Mr Pete Tate, (IT and Curriculum Implementation Co-ordinator), gaps and classes are starting to fill very quickly.
During the week, yours truly was part of a panel that heard three submissions from architects, who outlined their vision for our Stage 1 of our Master Plan. Suffice to say, the focus was on G Block, but there was an emphasis on large scale maintenance needs, linking buildings, the front of the school and blending in more outside areas and landscaping.
The panel was very impressed by the creativity and vision from all the submissions and a final announcement will made very shortly.
I hope you all enjoyed meeting your son’s/daughter’s teachers, to discuss progress in their learning. Staff were thrilled to have so many positive interactions and the college expectation for all our students never changes:
- Effort
- Respect
- Well mannered classrooms
The College has been meeting with some students and their parents (if they choose to attend) to discuss learning goals, moving forward. Research around goal-setting clearly shows that improvement is possible, if all parties are invested in the support and positive targeted intervention.
James Barut – College Principal