Principal’s Report

Class of 2024
Congratulations to the class of 2024, as they begin their after – class journey.
For our scored students, their lead up to the final VCAA exams has been a tad different from previous years:
- Practice exams happened in the first three days of this term
- Classes ran until the end of second week (sprinkled with laughter, dress-ups, shirt signing, food and tears)
- This week, (Week 3) the College is running revision lectures until Friday
Thank you to Ms Emily Hay, Head of Senior School, the co-ordination team and all the VCE teachers for introducing and organising this new initiative. Students have been attentive to the new structure and have been attending accordingly. For the most part, VCE teachers are also reporting to me that quite a few practice exams/essays have been submitted for marking and feedback.
Very pleasing to hear – culture begets culture.
The first written exam is English, that is scheduled for Tuesday, 29th of October, and the VCAA exams conclude on the 18th of November.
Not to sound simplistic, as we all understand the nerves and anxiety around exams, but our students need to try and flip the thinking to:
I know what’s on the exam
I’ve been preparing all year for the exam
It’s my turn to shine
For the class of 2024 that don’t have exams, who are moving straight into a TAFE course, apprenticeship or the world of work, congratulations and good luck!
Collectively, this entire cohort have handled themselves with real class and their adherence to our values has been highly visible, commendable and exemplary role modelling for our younger students.
The Valedictory will give the College a final opportunity for a wrap-up.
We look forward to some terrific VCE outcomes.
Last term of the school year….
….is always busy and there is always so much going on.
2025 doesn’t just ‘happen’, so please check Compass for updates and notices about important upcoming events.
Our first ever Car Show!
Great day last Saturday, where car enthusiasts gathered to talk about modifications, big exhausts, turbos and petrol!
Despite the drizzly weather conditions, there was a great atmosphere, with music, great coffee (one of our prefects Charlotte makes a mean brew!) and an amazing sausage sizzle. Thank you to the parent helpers and to the SRC who helped on the day, Mx J for running the beats and to all the car people who brought their cars to the show.
Biggest thanks must go to Keilah Dewar and Mitchell Blackwell, who proposed the car show to the School Council quite a few months ago and who worked tirelessly to bring it all together – this was on top of their studies! Their reason was centred on opening up our beautiful college to the community and raise a bit of money for a local charity, or for our new proposed bike shed. Their connection to their school and to their community is to be commended and acknowledged – thank you!
College building upgrade
There have been quite a few delays with the new building works, mostly technical. It looks like there’s been some changes to the fire rating building regulations, which means that the architects have had to readjust drawings and rethink building materials. Of course, this adds to the cost and delays the scheduling, moving forward.
On a brighter note, works on a new roof on Blocks D and E will commence in mid-November, with completion date set for early next year. This is a great start, as a large storm would create massive leaks and render some classrooms unsafe for days on end. Some parts of the roof have sheets that are ‘paper thin’, so this upgrade has been badly needed.
Hope you’re all well and we’ll chat soon.
College Principal