Welcome to the 2024 school year. As a community, we are delighted to commence the 2024 school year and look forward to the challenges and achievements that lay ahead.
The Emerald Village Association is seeking student voice – student feedback and contribution – at a ‘Community Round Table’ meeting to discuss how we can make Emerald and the surrounding community the best it can be, especially for young people. Students will join with local primary school students at the Emerald Community Hub from 10.30am on Thursday March 14th for this guided discussion and opportunity to have their say. Open to students in Years 7 – Year 12 – limited numbers. Please see Mrs Korsten, add your name to the list at the front office or email [email protected] to register your interest or find out more.
A big welcome back to our Year 12 cohort who kicked off the year on their Study Camp last week. 
Our College Captains Charlotte, Keilah, Mitchell and Lily are already scheduled to meet regularly, guide and model student leadership across the College and represent the student body at upcoming events such as the Whole School Assembly Thursday 8th February, the GRIP Leadership Conference 13th February, and Emerald Village Association events through March. Look out for mentoring, leadership and voice opportunities through our BEST program and on Compass very soon.
Children starting secondary school (Year 7)
Moving from primary school to secondary school is a major step. It’s a time of big changes in your child’s life.
Talking about the changes with your child will help make the move positive.
What’s different?
Some of the main differences between primary and secondary school are:
- more subjects and teachers
- more homework
- more challenging school work
- the responsibility of getting to classes in different rooms on time
- the need to manage themselves, their learning and their equipment
- using lockers and carrying books between classes
- adapting to different teaching styles
Tips to prepare throughout the term
- Be positive and enthusiastic. Your child is more likely to look forward to their secondary college journey if you’re positive about it.
- Organise the correct school uniform. Contact us if you need support.
- Get books and stationery according to the booklist on the website.
- Learn about school routines. What time does school start and finish, what time is recess and lunchtime?
- Ensure your child is familiar with the bus timetable/travel arrangements, and support the College’s drop off/pick up procedures.
- Talk to your child about their timetable. It will list subjects and classrooms. It’s good to make a few copies of the timetable to keep in different places.
- Create a comfortable place for your child to study. This should be a quiet place away from distractions.
- Remind your child that is normal to feel nervous about starting secondary college. These nerves may last past the first day. Encourage your child to talk about what they might be worried about.
- Encourage your child to keep in touch with their primary school friends.
- Have an emergency safety plan. Be clear about who your child should contact and what you expect them to do in an emergency.
- Get involved – contact the school if you’d like to hear more about opportunities for parent involvement
- Encourage your child to get involved – alert your child to Compass posts inviting them to sign up for activities and encourage them to get involved in extra-curricular events and sports
For students in their final years of secondary school
The final years of secondary school are a busy time for students. Good study habits are more important than ever as students balance exam preparation, extra-curricular activities and social activities.
At this time, students are also making important choices about what they’d like to do after secondary school and their future career.
Parents and families can support students by offering to talk about their concerns, helping them get organised, and encouraging a balance of study, rest and play.
Tips for parents and families
- Encourage your child to speak to the school careers adviser early if you or they have questions
- Encourage good organisation by having a calendar with key dates at home.
- Talk with them about how school is going and any concerns they have – let them know you’re there to help while respecting their space.
- Encourage out of school activities, such as sport and music.
- Help your child develop good study habits – this includes making time for regular breaks.
- A balanced diet and ample rest are important.
- Ensure your child knows where they can go for support if they feel overwhelmed – for example, the school’s health and wellbeing team, the Senior Subschool, Kids Helpline, LifeLine, Headspace and Beyond Blue.
- If your child is anxious about study or exams, try to stay calm for them and listen to their concerns.
- Encourage them to visit open days for universities and TAFEs. They don’t have to be in Year 12 to attend.
What to expect at school
There is a range of information for parents and carers on the ESC website to help you – school policies, requirements and expectations, as well as support services available.
Remind parents and carers and students of our attendance expectations, that going to school every day is important for student learning, wellbeing and relationships, and that you are looking forward to seeing them.
A reminder that mobile phones brought to school must be switched off and stored securely in lockers during the school day.
Academic emphasis – focus for 2024
As a new school year commences, our thoughts naturally turn towards setting goals and determining the direction for the academic journey ahead. This year, our primary emphasis is on fostering academic excellence among our students. We are dedicated to providing the necessary encouragement and support for our students to concentrate on our core value of ‘excellence,’ empowering them to unlock their full potential.
By placing a focus on academic pursuits, we aim to broaden the horizons of our students, enabling them to explore a myriad of opportunities and open doors to future career paths. The emphasis on academic excellence serves as a guiding principle, motivating students to strive for the highest standards in their studies. We believe that this commitment to excellence not only enhances their educational experience but also equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in various aspects of life.
As we embark on this academic journey together, we are confident that our collective focus on academic excellence will not only shape the current school year but also lay a solid foundation for the future success of our students. Together, we aspire to create an environment where each student can reach their full potential, setting the stage for a lifetime of learning and achievement
PAT Testing
To begin the academic year, ESC is implementing a comprehensive approach to student assessment by introducing PAT testing for all students in years 7-10. These tests consist of a reading, writing and numeracy assessment. This initiative is designed not only to gauge the current academic capabilities of our students but also to provide valuable insights for our dedicated staff to tailor their teaching methods accordingly. The primary goal is to gain a thorough understanding of each student’s strengths, areas for improvement, and unique learning styles.
The PAT testing process serves as a powerful tool for educators, offering a nuanced perspective on the diverse abilities and potential within our student body. By examining the results, our teaching staff will be equipped with a comprehensive overview of the academic landscape, allowing them to identify students who may benefit from additional challenges and those who may require extra support.
School Fit Task
As we embark on a new academic year, we are excited to continue our proactive approach to nurturing your child’s academic journey. Commencing the school year, we are continuing to implement a unique initiative – a formative task for all students across every subject within the first three weeks.
This formative task serves as more than just an academic exercise; it establishes a diagnostic baseline for our dedicated teaching staff. Simultaneously, it sets clear expectations for the academic emphasis we are placing on our students in 2024.
We are thrilled to share that this approach aligns with the research-backed insights of educational expert John Hattie, who identifies feedback as a powerhouse in the learning process, boasting an impressive effect size of 0.73. This places feedback among the most impactful strategies for student achievement.
Understanding the pivotal role of feedback in enhancing learning outcomes, we are committed to integrating this “high-impact strategy” into the early formative tasks that your child will undertake. By doing so, we aim to leverage evidence-based practices, creating an environment where students are not only academically prepared but also poised to thrive throughout the year.
We appreciate your continued support as we work together to provide the best educational experience for your child. Here’s to a successful and academically enriching year ahead!
Annual privacy reminder for our school community
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to read our school’s collection notice, found on our website Emerald Secondary College Website.
We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use [Microsoft 365] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using [Microsoft 365] please contact the school.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Dari
- Gujarati
- Mandarin
- Somali
- Sudanese
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Student Accident Insurance and Ambulance Cover
The department of education does not provide student accident insurance or ambulance cover. Parents may wish to obtain student accident insurance from a commercial insurer and/or ambulance cover, depending on their health insurance arrangements and any other personal considerations.
Year 7 Transition Week
We were thrilled to welcome our new Year 7s for their first week where they had the opportunity to form new relationships with staff and peers, undertake team building activities, learn Compass and organisational skills, participate in a wellbeing session, and celebrate their first week with a year level assembly Friday afternoon. It was great to see the students buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm as we welcomed them to Emerald Secondary College for 2024.
Year 7 Parent Information Night & BBQ
The Year 7 Parent Information Night begun with a BBQ with students, parents and college staff. Parents and students were introduced to the Year 7 teams for 2024 and were addressed by the College Principal Mr James Barut. Our Year 7 team provided information regarding Year 7 camp and parent access to Compass outlining, how to use the portal. We look forward to the partnerships we create between students, parents, and staff.
School Photos 
Our College school photo day is on Wednesday February 21. Orders can now be made through our Compass portal via your email link or under the community tab. A catch up day is scheduled for Friday March 15.
Place your order now to ensure you get the best price through MSP. Family/siblings photos are available for students attending school. Orders must be placed by 11.59pm the day before photo day.
Whole School Assembly
What an amazing opportunity it was for the whole school community to come to together to celebrate the start of the 2024 school year. Our College Captains Charlotte Scott, Lily Cochrane, Mitchell Blackwell and Keilah Dewar led the whole school assembly with exemplary leadership. We were welcomed by Dustan Rosevear and Hayden Walker with an outstanding Acknowledgment of Country and entertained by the Keilah Dewar and Ralph Amoguis. The Principal Mr Barut welcomed our students by reinforcing our College values and our direction of Excellence for 2024. Ms Korsten spoke about leadership opportunities our students can be apart of to enhance student voice and agency at our college. Ms Clayworth discussed doing our best every day and aiming high before students were provided with information on wellbeing programs, school production and key sports days.
Tanja Korsten, Melissa Findlay & Tiana Clayworth –
Assistant Principals