Principal’s Report

2024 College Dux
The College Dux Award is awarded to the 2023 Year 12 student who has achieved outstanding results. The College Dux Award is a prestigious one.
The award goes to the Emerald Secondary College student who has, in 2023, achieved the highest ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) of their cohort. This is achieved through outstanding dedication and hard work. College Dux is the highest award a school can bestow on a student.
To our College Community, I would now like to present the Emerald Secondary College Dux – Allanah Dean
Allanah has this year achieved an ATAR score of an impressive 96.25. She completed studies in English, Maths Methods, Health & Human Development and Business Management. Allanah also completed Units 3 and 4 in Legal Studies last year along with her Year 11 studies, and this year was accepted through the Centre for Higher Education Studies and studied Law as a University Subject through LaTrobe University. Allanah is planning to pursue further studies in a double degree in Law and Commerce through Monash or Deakin University.
Congratulations Allanah.
Important Leadership changes at ESC for 2024
Ms Janine McMahon and Mr Jarrad Donders will be taking leave in 2024, to pursue different interests.
Ms McMahon has been appointed as Executive Director of Governance and Risk in the TAFE sector, overseeing several campuses throughout the outer east.
Mr Donders has been appointed Head Coach for the Eastern Ranges girls U/18’s football team in the Coates Talent League, overseeing their entire development, showcasing, and building talent for the AFLW competition.
We wish them all the best in their new endeavours.
Thus, Ms Melissa Findlay has been appointed to the position of Acting Assistant Principal – Director of Students and Ms Tiana Clayworth has been appointed to the Acting Assistant Principal – Curriculum. Further to these significant appointments, Ms Louise McInnes has been appointed to the position of Acting Learning Specialist, overseeing MYLNS, TLI and Assessment and Reporting.
Please join me in congratulating Ms Findlay, Ms Clayworth and Ms McInnes, as they join the Leadership team here at our college.
2024 Directions
The major goals for 2024 will strengthen our school improvement agenda, and our entire community will be invited to participate in a couple of significant initiatives that will be implemented.
Please support the school in its significant journey, as we have to work together.
Throughout 2024, the main priorities will include:
- Implementing the SWPB (School Wide Positive Behaviours) program into our college – this will involve everybody in our community
- Lifting our VCE results
- Greater emphasis on creating safe, orderly classroom environments (linked in with SWPB) and in turn, honing and staying innovative in constructing stimulating learning environments
- Student accountability in submitting all assessments on time and..
- For staff, to ensure work is marked in a timely manner, supported by growth comments in the feedback.
This is the vision for 2024, and strategies and key actions will be implemented throughout.
Emerald Secondary College will support all its learners and its teachers to thrive. Everyone has a right to enjoy their learning without disruption from other students, whose motivation for coming to school lies elsewhere.
There will be a collective responsibility – it’s time to come together.
Building upgrade in 2024
Plans continue for a new building to replace the outdated G block – plans for a new building also include the construction of new basketball courts and more sheltered outdoor spaces for our students to enjoy.
The process will take some time, as it’s not just a simple renovation. Compliance, tenders, VSBA governance, etc, will need to be ticked off before the first earth moving equipment arrives at the school.
First days back in 2024
Monday 29th of January – staff return (student free day)
Tuesday 30th of January – 2nd staff preparation day (student free day)
Wednesday 31st of January – Year 7 and Year 11 back to school – Year 12 Study Camp
Thursday 1st of February – all year levels back to school – Year 12 Study Camp continues
Friday 2nd of February – Year 12 Study Camp concludes
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our entire community – freshen up, relax, recharge and be safe in whatever you’re doing over the holidays.
See you next year.
James Barut – College Principal