VCE Kickstart
On Monday 21st November our 2023 VCE & VCE VM students engaged in a week of “Kick-Start”.
The Kickstart classes included an introduction and set up of expectations in each class, content delivery and coursework for each subject in alignment with VCAA Study Designs. Teachers set out coursework/holiday homework, with a clear expectation for full completion before the commencement of Term 1. During the week there were assemblies that established guidelines and team work activities.
VCE / VCE VM is a time where memories are created and pathways are started. We will be working with and preparing students and parents throughout many avenues in 2023, which we are really excited about.
VCE & VCE VM Parent information Evening – Wednesday 15th February – Parents please put this date in your calendar.
In coming weeks our new Senior School Policy Handbook will be published and sent out to families. This includes information about attendance, coursework, SACs, home work / coursework and study expectations. Also included is how you can support students throughout their Senior Schooling.
We are also excited about welcoming Year 10 students in to Senior School in 2023 as part of the new sub schools. The Senior School Policy Handbook is also significant to Year 10 as it covers important aspects for them.
A reminder to our Year 12 families of 2023 the year starts off with Year 12 Study Camp on Monday 30th January to Wednesday 1st February. The program is looking fantastic and we look forward to making a positive start to the year. Payment and consent is due by 18th December, if you have any questions please contact us at the school.
We look forward to working with our students in 2023.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Senior School Team