Principal’s Comments


Welcome to the 2023 school year!

It is with great excitement that I, and all the staff at Emerald Secondary College, welcome you all to what has been an energetic and enthusiastic start to the year. A warm welcome is extended to the newest members of our wonderful ESC community, our Year 7 families and students.

There was so much high energy and nervousness (and that was only from the parents!) as drop offs were completed and last pics were taken for the socials.

We saw shiny new uniforms, massive backpacks, excitement, and wonderings. Things settled quickly as we are now into Week 3, and our Year 7s are starting to negotiate their way around the College, using Compass and familiarising themselves with their new teachers and learning environment.

Thank you to the Junior School team and all the staff that assisted with our settled start.

All the other Year Levels ran assemblies as well, where expectations of our students as learners was clearly outlined – student attention to their studies, attendance and respectful interactions with staff and their peers, was high on the agenda. Year 12s attended a study camp at the start of the year and had a fabulous time! Thank you to all the staff involved in the running of that camp.

Everybody has a role to play in 2023, after a very disruptive time – teachers have the responsibility to prepare lessons that are stimulating and engaging, and students have the responsibility to display positive learning behaviours of collaboration, enquiry and focus…these goals are real and need to be part of a community learning environment.

As per last year’s final newsletter, please remember that there are TWO Sub-schools now…Years 7-9 and Years 10-12. Thus, the structure and personnel is as follows:

Junior School: Year 7-9 Sub School Leader – Ms Melissa Findlay

                       Year 7 Year Level Engagement Leader – Mr Matthew Morris

                       Year 7 Year Level Engagement Leader – Ms Samantha McLean

                       Year 8 Year Level Engagement Leader – Ms Sema Yildirim

                       Year 8 Year Level Engagement Leader – Mr Steven McRae

                       Year 9 Year Level Engagement Leader – Mr Dale Fyfe

                       Year 9 Year Level Engagement Leader – Ms Taylor Turton

Senior School: Year 10-12 Sub – School leader, Mr Jack Talbot

                       Year 10 Year Level Engagement Leader – Mr Sean Reid

                       Year 10 Year Level Engagement Leader – Ms Grace Sleit

                       Year 11 Year Level Engagement Leader – Ms Rebecca Holmes

                       Year 11 Year Level Engagement Leader – Mr Liam McManus

                       Year 12 Year Level Engagement Leader – Ms Emily Hay

                       Year 12 Year Level Engagement Leader – Mr Shane Closter

Please contact the relevant Sub-School with any query you may have, and they will happily assist you with most matters. Of course, as a community, we have an obligation to each other to ensure that all our conversations are professional, respectful and solution focussed – we want everyone to flourish.


‘School Fit’, MYLNs and TLI in 2023

With continued funding from the Department of Education in 2023, the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) will continue, as will the Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy program (MYLNS). The latter is only for students in Year 10 this year. Both programs are aligned in assisting selected students in achieving their personal best.

To that end, teachers are setting students a ‘School Fit’ Learning Task that requires completion by the end of next week. Staff will provide feedback on Compass and parents are encouraged to read that feedback and set some achievement goals that reflect the learning continuum.


Staffing in 2023

We welcome the following new staff into our college community and wish them all the best.

Mr Geordie Atkin – Maths/PE

Mr Andrew Bonollo – IT/Art

Ms Meredith Savage – Maths/PE/Health

Mr Steven McRae – Humanities

Mr Matthew Powell – Legal/Humanities

Mr Damon Key – Music and is now teaching Maths as well

Ms Tanya Hough – Social Worker

Ms Shelley Cunningham – ILA (Inclusion Learning Assistant)

Ms Anna Thomsen – ILA

Ms Samantha Broda – ILA

We are still searching for some more teachers and positions are advertised on the DET portal as I pen this missive. Hopefully, we will fill these positions as soon as possible. In the interim, we are employing CRTs with subject specific expertise that will assist our students with their classwork. As always, lessons plans are on Compass and students have a responsibility to access the lesson plan and the relevant work therein.

Building Upgrade

 ….is now complete and our newest Year 7s have moved into A block. This concludes the initial first stage of our school refurbishment. We look forward to more government funding to continue upgrading our college.

James Barut – Principal

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