Update on our Wellbeing Dog Axel
Students may have noticed that Axel hasn’t been around much lately at the College. He’s had a little trouble adjusting to the business of the school environment – students and staff have been outstanding in their respect for his space and the adhering to the 3 expectations –
- We say hello to the person, not the dog
- We give lots of space when we pass the dog
- We keep moving (don’t stand around and stare)
We’ve been liaising with Dogs Connect, our Mentorship Program and with the Core Team of staff and students. We’ve also enlisted the support of a dog behaviourist to see how we can best make sure Axel’s wellbeing is looked after and also meet the needs of students in terms of the aims of the program. Turns out Axel may be much like the typical teenager – feedback indicates he may just be a tad stubborn!
The Core Team are progressing with a plan to move forward with next semester. In the meantime, Axel is enjoying his best life at home with his mates Wilbur and Walter.
Reports have been published, and we look forward to reviewing them to celebrate students’ academic success. This has already started in year-level assemblies. Reports are important component of your child’s education as they indicate where students are academically, allowing us to extend and/or support them moving forward. Please take the time to review your child’s report and discuss their results with them.
Academic Reviews
Next term, we will conduct academic reviews based on reports and have meetings with students to support them academically and set goals that will help them thrive moving forward. Further details will come next term.
New Subjects
There is a buzz in the senior block as VCE students switch into Units 2 and 4. This is a big milestone for our VCE students and signals their progress towards their VCE certificate. There is also excitement among students preparing for their Semester 2 subjects. Our Middle Years students are eager to see what their Semester 2 electives have in store. The Middle Years program allows students to undertake a wide range of subjects in preparation for selecting their VCE subjects, which is coming soon.
A big thank you to the Senior School team for their organisation and a massive well done to the VCE students who undertook this. For most students, it was their first experience with a VCAA exam. A lot of learning took place, and it was great preparation for their end-of-year exams. Students were rewarded with a hot chicken roll at lunch, expertly served by our VM students, which was very popular!
Subject Selection
The time of year for subject selection is upon us. Students will begin to look towards next year and select their subjects based on future pathways. Keep an eye on Compass for more details pertaining to your child’s year level.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Update
The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) team would like to welcome Samantha McLean who is joining us in Semester 2. The team is now comprised of:
- Samantha (Year 7 Learning Engagement Leader)
- Emily Hay (Leading Teacher – Senior School)
- Louise Mc Innes (Learning Specialist)
- Jack Talbot (VCE English Teacher)
- Felicity Wooden (Wellbeing Co-ordinator)
- Melissa Findlay (Acting Assistant Principal)
So far, the Emerald Secondary College SWPBS team has:
- Completed Tier One Training
- Launched the Broad Expectations framework that will underpin SWPBS
- Identified areas of the College where it is most appropriate to explicitly teach expected behaviours
- Transitioned to major and minor behaviours, structuring a data platform through compass
- Identified potential behaviours in the targeted areas of the college
The next step on our journey is to meet as a staff and share the behaviours identified by the SWPBS team. Staff will work in teams to provide feedback and further suggestions.
Members of our college community are welcome to provide feedback on the updates that have been shared in the College Newsletter, by contacting Melissa Findlay on 5968 5388.
Tanja Korsten, Melissa Findlay & Tiana Clayworth
Assistant Principals
College Captaincy Report
Year 12
As the semester is quickly coming to an end, so too is VCE Unit 3 and our Year 12 cohort has been busy preparing and studying for final SACs and completing the last of the coursework ready for the commencement of Unit 4. We can’t believe were nearly halfway through the year and Year 12! Us Year 12s are also prepping for the upcoming GAT (General Achievement Test) testing our general knowledge and skills, to be completed by all Year 12 students and any accelerated Year 11 student completing a Year 12 subject. Throughout Senior School it has also been great to see our Year 11s studying hard as they complete their first VCE exams for Unit 1.
There has also been much excitement throughout our Year 12s as we get ready to come together and celebrate as a year level at our Year 12 Formal this weekend!
Senior Leadership Mentoring Opportunity
This week, we as college captains, Mitchell, Keilah, Charlotte, and I, as well as our school’s senior SRC leader Cadence, were invited to participate in the Rotary/ESC Community Mentor program. This opportunity allows us to build a one-on-one community focused and based relationship and connection with a member from the Rotary club, mentoring us to further build our leadership skills and support us through these last months of secondary college, as well as discussing how leadership is a vital skill to our future pathways afterschool and throughout our lives. On behalf of the senior leadership team, I would like to thank the Rotary mentors for generously providing us with their time and commitment to the program and look forward to our future meetings and ongoing support.
Lily Cochrane
College Captain
It has been a very eventful few weeks at the college, with an SRC fundraiser raising funds for Kids Under Cover, the 2024 Winter Concert and much more.
It was my pleasure to assist in running the carnival food fundraiser alongside SRC leader Alice Mattille, also assisted in advance by SRC leader Cadence Tyrell. The fundraiser raised $171.80 for Kids Under Cover thanks to the support of the students and staff who gathered in the quadrangle to get their hands on some delicious carnival food.
The Music Concert was a wonderful night enjoyed by supporting friends and family. The concert helped to raise funds for the music department and provided a wonderful opportunity for music students to demonstrate their musical talents and practice their performance skills.
Both events received wonderful positive feedback from the community, and we are now even more excited for term three and all the wonderful experiences and events it will bring! This includes Pyjama Day on the first Friday back in Term 3 (19th June) raising funds for the Pyjama Foundation that goes to children in foster care. Thank you to all that supported these events and get excited for an amazing Term 3!
Keilah Dewar
College Captain (on behalf of the captaincy team)